TO-ORIST 2010 Spring/Summer Collection New Release
TO-ORIST (pronounced ‘tourist’) n. 1. A neurotic fixated on exploring unchartered territory
TO-ORIST (pronounced ‘tourist’) n. 1. A neurotic fixated on exploring unchartered territory whether physically or mentally with no limitation. 2. An object of situation that appears Jarring. 3. SHEER ABNORMALITY
Centered on exploration (hence the name), To-orist exists in a clandestine realm. The line is often characterized by its art-directed experiments in terrestrial science and archaeological imagery, featuring everything from holographic zebras and illuminated sarcophagi to leopard prints and hand x-rays. The pieces are designed to be timeless signature concepts, as the shape stays the same throughout and all garments are handmade. Available now at oki-ni.