Personal Effects by Hiroshi Fujiwara
Befitting of the title as the Godfather of Streetwear, Hiroshi Fujiwara has seen his influence
Befitting of the title as the Godfather of Streetwear, Hiroshi Fujiwara has seen his influence far beyond the realm of base-level streetwear as undoubtedly he has had an influence through many different areas of product and industrial design. In the release of his upcoming book Personal Effects, he gives a first person account regarding many of his favorite belongings and personal items and their place in his life. Ranging from “denim, leathers, shirts, sneakers, bags, watches, guitars, cameras, gadgets, home appliances, stationery”, the book will give an interesting insight into one of strongest personalities in our industry relative to branding and design. The book will feature in both English and Japanese and release on August 27th and will be available at Amazon.
Source: Honeyee