Bastard Store and Comvert Studio Opening
Premier Italian skate store, Bastard, recently launched their new retail venture alongside
Premier Italian skate store, Bastard, recently launched their new retail venture alongside multi-faceted production company Comvert. The dream space features a load of contemporary construction in what could easily been tagged as the Italian Fantasy Factory.
Founded in Milan in 1994 by four skateboarders, Comvert S.r.l. conceives, produces and distributes clothing for skateboarders and snowboarders under the brand bastard and distributes the brand Electric in Italy.
Few years ago Comvert decided that it was about time for finding a new location to set up its new headquarter and gave studiometrico the opportunity to search for the right building and then, possibly, to refurbish it.
The ideal place had to be spacious enough to be able to host the administrative department, the design department, a flagship store, a storage facility, a wide access for the goods and a skate-bowl for bastard employees, friends and team riders.
Further looks and information into the space can be found here.
Source: GroS