Nike Basketball Fuses Football: SU08 Pack
In continuation of Nike’s commemoration of the Dunk, the latest pack has surfaced for a shoe once created as the quintessential team shoe for colleges all around but has now transcended sport and culture alike. The Eastern pack references Eastern countries with strong footballing backgrounds, inspired by both flags and football kits of teams alike. The overall theme backed by the upcoming European Championships. Each model is not without its fair share of innovations including updated cushioning, stain resistant laces and materials. Some of these select models have already hit Nike retailers.
In continuation of Nike’s commemoration of the Dunk, the latest pack has surfaced for a shoe once created as the quintessential team shoe for colleges all around but has now transcended sport and culture alike. The Eastern pack references Eastern countries with strong footballing backgrounds, inspired by both flags and football kits of teams alike. The overall theme backed by the upcoming European Championships. Each model is not without its fair share of innovations including updated cushioning, stain resistant laces and materials. Some of these select models have already hit Nike retailers.