Kanye West - Robocop
I’m sure your first reaction to seeing the name of Kanye’s newly leaked song “Robocop” from his
I’m sure your first reaction to seeing the name of Kanye’s newly leaked song “Robocop” from his now epically anticipated album 808’s and Heartbreaks is either of confusion or amusement or maybe both. What is for certain is that Kanye refuses to follow a normal template for the construction of his new album and is proving it with every new song released. “Robocop” steals its name from the late 80s Cyberpunk cult classic film of the same name. Kanye uses the word as a tongue and cheek reference to a prying significant other. The beat comes equipped with robot sound effects, synthesizer stabs and of course auto tune vocals. The track is welcomed as a bit more lighthearted then we’ve been hearing from Kanye lately. Download the track below.