Nike x Beneath x Gomma Records
Beneath has sent me info about their upcoming event – Mondo Gomma supported by NIKE will take place from Saturday 4th June until 2nd July at BENEATH. Mondo Gomma is an exhibition of with images by artists connected to Munich’s Gomma Records crew.
Beneath has sent me info about their upcoming event – Mondo Gomma supported by NIKE will take place from Saturday 4th June until 2nd July at BENEATH. Mondo Gomma is an exhibition of with images by artists connected to Munich’s Gomma Records crew.
GOMMA – the record label has been releasing some of the freshest music in the past four years* and has an excellent reputation for it’s cooperations with young mainly German artists. These artists not only create the covers for the Gomma music releases but also a small range of T shirts, the label’s webpage, visuals for partys, and the pages of AMORE poster magazine: a 4 color, newspaper size, irregular poster collection – produced by Gomma.
The main visual directors of the Mondo Gomma exhibition are SMAL & There will be a special Nike/Gomma Records T-shirt which will be
PAZE (also known for their illustrations for German magazines JETZT
and SZ Magazin) and MUNK. The exhibition includes contributions by new German sculptrist Michael Sailstrofer, Berlin’s fashion designer
Kostas Murkudis, NYC’s The Rammellzee, photographer Daniel Josefsohn
and underground graphic designer Benny Röder.
available to buy in vey limited quanities from BENEATH only.