JR x Jose Parla “The Wrinkles Of The City” Cuba Project
Notable artists JR and Jose Parla continue their work together with “The Wrinkles Of The City”

Notable artists JR and Jose Parla continue their work together with “The Wrinkles Of The City” project in Havana, Cuba. Known for seamlessly blending their signature styles – turning photography and murals into a singular piece of breathtaking artwork – their latest is simply dazzling. Coinciding with the 11th Havana Biennial 2012, the project features recent trips both artists took to Cuba as well as a previous trip the duo took back in March. Presented across a variety of different structures – all of which seem to add different subtleties and textures to the faces – the result is a concrete landscape that seems to contain more wisdom than the average city structure.
Source: Arrested Motion