"Jack Dorsey's First Tweet" NFT Offered for $48 Million USD, Flops With a Top Bid of Only $280 USD
No longer worth millions.

Crypto investor Sina Estavi was known to have bought Twitter founder Jack Dorsey’s first-ever tweet NFT for $2.9 million USD last year. Just last week, Estavi listed the NFT for sale at $48 million USD.
While the starting offer seemed to signal that the tweet could be a hot commodity, the top bid for the tweet closed at $280 USD, a far cry from the original price point. Last week he took to Twitter to announce the resale of the NFT, pledging over 50% of the proceeds to charity. At the time of the auction closing on OpenSea, there were only seven total offers ranging between 0.0019 ETH (approximately $6 USD) to O.09 ETH (approximately $277 USD). Estavi currenty has two days to accept the bid, or else it will expire. He told CoinDesk, “The deadline I set was over, but if I get a good offer, I might accept it, I might never sell it.”
Estavi is currently in the middle of reestablishing his Bridge Oracle Tokens, after his ventures collapsed following his arrest in Iran last year. BRG investors are still waiting for Estavi to exchange the old tokens for the new ones. However, the process needs to be done manually and requires up to two months to complete.
I decided to sell this NFT ( the world's first ever tweet ) and donate 50% of the proceeds ( $25 million or more ) to the charity @GiveDirectly
🖇 https://t.co/cnv5rtAEBQ pic.twitter.com/yiaZjJt1p0— Estavi (@sinaEstavi) April 6, 2022
In other NFT news, the CFDA has launched into the metaverse with a new NFT educational program.