'Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel' Tops 20 Million Downloads
Gifting users 1,000 gems and a new solo mode.

After rocketing to 10 million downloads last month, Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel has just announced it has reached a new milestone with 20 million downloads.
To celebrate the new achievement, Konami gifted 1,000 gems to its players — this celebratory present is available for those that log in from now until April 25. On top of the gems, a new solo mode was added titled “The Fairies Who Paint the Weather.”
━━━━━━━━━━━✨#遊戯王マスターデュエル 累計2000万ダウンロードを突破致しました!
只今、ゲーム内にて期間中ログイン頂きました皆さまに1000ジェムをプレゼント中です! pic.twitter.com/RqrWr8stQH— 【公式】遊戯王マスターデュエル (@YuGiOh_MD_INFO) March 11, 2022
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