Acclaimed French Photographer Raymond Depardon Presents His Largest Solo Exhibition to Date
Made in conjunction with Triennale di Milano and the Fondation Cartier.

Triennale di Milano and the Fondation Cartier are currently showcasing the first solo exhibition in Italy on the acclaimed French photographer and filmmaker, Raymond Depardon.
In “La Vita Moderna,” Depardon worked with fellow French artist Jean Michel Alberola to present his largest solo show ever — showcasing the richness of his work across eight photographic series, two films and all of the books he has published to date. Although Depardon has covered a range of subjects from around the world, the show highlights the continuity found between French and Italian cultures.
Depardon’s strikingly intimate shots are built through a trust with his subjects. Though travel can unequivocally be tied to his work, people and communities are the bedrock of his practice — giving a voice to those who have none and injecting each picturesque landscape as the scene of a human experience — not out of an antagonist view, but rather a curiosity of the world and its diversity.
The exhibition is the latest in a fruitful partnership Depardon has had with Foundation Cartier, which includes 14 solo and group exhibitions, 19 books and the production of eight films. “La Vita Moderna” is on view at Triennale di Milano until April 10, 2022.
Also on view, Susumu Kamijo presents “I’ll Tell You Later” at Stems Gallery.
Triennale di Milano
Viale Emilio Alemagna, 6,
20121 Milano MI, Italy