'Battlefield 2042' Amasses Almost 30,000 Negative Reviews on Steam
Becoming one of the worst-reviewed games on the platform.

The general release for Battlefield 2042 was only two days ago, but the new EA title has already become one of the worst-reviewed games on Steam. Amassing more than 35,000 reviews over the 48 hours, more than 29,000 of those are negative, making the latest Battlefield installment the eighth-lowest rated game in the entire Steam library.
While the game built incredible anticipation during its development period and arguably even through its open beta testing, the ultimate release was met with widespread criticism. Sparse maps with little to no cover, imbalanced and overpowered vehicles, buggy performance, bullet accuracy issues, a high time-to-kill and problematic hitboxes are among some of the biggest flaws of the game.
“When [Battlefield 3] came out, I thought to myself, imagine how Battlefield will look like in ten years,” wrote one popular review. “Was not expecting this….” Of course, EA and DICE are likely to continue updating and tweaking the game given the bad reviews, but players will have to be patient until they get the game they were expecting.
Elsewhere in gaming, Rockstar Games has apologized for the botched release of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition.