This Transparent Mask Is Designed With Anti-Fog Technology
Making communication more human, natural and accessible.

As we continue to adapt to the new normal, ClearMask has created a face-covering design that allows us to see each other’s entire face and facial expressions. Looking to help make communication more human, natural and accessible, the transparent, see-through masks reduce confusion and improve relationships.
ClearMask notes that 55 percent of communication is visual and that miscommunication is a leading cause of medical errors and can be prevented. Crafted for consumers and medical staff, ClearMask is the first fully transparent, FDA-cleared, class II surgical clear mask. The patent-pending anti-fog, transparent plastic barrier design is optimized for comfort and breathability while providing assured protection. Coming with EZ-Adjuster or classic tie-on securing systems, ClearMask meets ASTM level 3 standards for fluid resistance and flammability.
Aside from being an excellent option for those looking to wear a face mask for protection, ClearMask is perfect for deaf and hard of hearing individuals, older people, teachers, interpreters, immunosuppressed people and their caretakers, essential works, and customer-facing employees.
Starting at $67 USD, ClearMask is available now in non-medical and FDA-cleared variations with 24-pack and 423 pack options online.
In case you missed it, Spike Lee is directing a movie musical about Viagra.