Top Ramen Hiring First-Ever "Chief Noodle Officer" With a 50-Year Noodle Supply Salary
Celebrating its 50th-anniversary contest and National Noodle Day.

To celebrate National Noodle Day and its 50th-anniversary, Nissin Foods Top Ramen, the inventor of instant ramen, recently launched its search for its first-ever Chief Noodle Officer (CNO). Part of its #HowDoYouTopRamen campaign, the search calls on noodle connoisseurs to self-proclaimed chefs to simply answer the prompt: “How do you *Top* Ramen?”
Candidates can participate in the #HowDoYouTopRamen challenge on social media by sharing a photo of their favorite Top Ramen recipe and sending links of their social entry with a quick cover letter (3-5 sentences) to With the call for applications closing October 30, entries should showcase what makes you qualified to become the first-ever Chief Noodle Officer.
To be chosen by Top Chef, Melissa King, the CNO will receive a $10,000 USD payday, a 50-year supply of Top Ramen, a chance to taste new Top Ramen products before they hit shelves and one-to-one mentorship with Nissin Foods CEO, Mike Price.
Head over to Nissin Top Ramen’s official website to learn more about the #HowDoYouTopRamen campaign.
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