Burger King Trolls the Big Mac In Latest Video Ad
“Like a Big Mac, But Actually Big.”
Burger King continues its media-savvy approach to marketing with it’s latest viral spoof ad aimed at McDonald’s. Taking advantage of the Big Mac burger trademark that has expired in the EU, Burger King took to Stockholm to troll the signature Big Mac sandwich.
Fearing no legal repercussions from using the Big Mac name, Burger King fitted a restaurant with new names for its burgers — with all names truly doing McDonald’s dirty. With names like “Kind of Like a Big Mac But Juicier,” “Anything but a Big Mac,” “The Burger Big Mac Wished it Was,” and “Like a Big Mac, But Actually Big,” Burger King lets the cameras roll as customers come in announcing aloud each of the items on the menu.
Catch the video above to see Burger King EU troll the Big Mac. Do you think McDonald’s will respond? Who knows? Perhaps Wendy’s might join in on the action.
In other food news, Oreo is releasing a crème-scented “Stuf” lip balm.
almost ready. pic.twitter.com/OY02xNLzxu
— Burger King (@BurgerKing) February 1, 2019