Square Enix Unveils the Title Sequence For 'Kingdom Hearts III'
Accompanied by a new Utada Hikaru and Skrillex theme.
As we near the release of Kingdom Hearts III, Square Enix recently released a trailer that unveils the title sequence of the long-awaited game.
Building on the number of teasers we have received this year, the opening movie serves as a recap of what has transpired since the beginning of the Disney crossover game series. The latest visual also reveals a new theme from Utada Hikaru and Skrillex, titled “Face My Fears.” According to Square Enix, the EDM figure originally asked to remix the main Kingdom Hearts III track but ended up co-writing a whole new song with the famed Japanese songstress.
Set to release for Sony PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Xbox One, Kingdom Hearts III drops on January 25 in Japan with a stateside release coming on January 29, 2019. Watch the title sequence trailer for Kingdom Hearts III above.
For more gaming news, Nintendo and Team NINJA recently teased Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3 with a new trailer.
Long-time #KingdomHearts fan @Skrillex originally asked to remix @utadahikaru‘s track, “Don’t Think Twice”. However, owing to the pair’s friendship, this has now developed into a new & original collaboration…#KH3sharethemagic pic.twitter.com/27mCNme7gH