Watch the Trailer for 'Snapped: Notorious Tupac Shakur'
A two-hour special chronicling the rapper’s murder.

Oxygen recently released a trailer for its upcoming Tupac Shakur documentary titled, Snapped: Notorious Tupac Shakur. Set to release three days after the anniversary of the legendary rapper’s fatal shooting, the two-hour documentary will attempt to reveal the story of Tupac’s murder and chronicle his final hours. Through reenactments of the Las Vegas drive-by and Tupac’s final moments on his deathbed, the documentary aims to shed light on the theory that Pac’ knew who shot him. Additionally, interviews with those close to ‘Pac and Notorious B.I.G. will offer an in-depth look at the East Coast, West Coast rivalry of that time. Check out the trailer here and catch Snapped: Notorious Tupac Shakur on Oxygen September 10 at 6 pm EST/5 pm CST.
For more music news, Lil Yachty recently offered a preview of his upcoming Lil Boat 2 mixtape.