MAD Architects Proposes Turning Paris's Tour Montparnasse Into a Giant Mirror
One big optical illusion.
Beijing-based firm MAD Architects has announced a mind-boggling proposal for the Tour Montparnasse skyscraper in Paris, France. The surreal renovation scheme focuses on creating a monumental lighting installation that portrays an upturned reflection of the French capital including the world-renowned Eiffel Tower — a mirror effect of sorts.
The design itself consists of differently-angled glass panels applied onto the facade of the tower. “At the time when it was built, Montparnasse Tower, like the Eiffel Tower, represented the pride and achievements of its era,” said lead architect Ma Yansong of MAD to designboom. “It is mankind’s worship of technology and power that has created this tyrannical monument.”
In regards to the establishment’s juxtaposing design amidst the more historic buildings in Paris, Yansong added: “Today, we cannot really demolish this building and the historical regrets it stands for, but we can establish a new perspective to re-examine and think about how humanity can co-exist and interact with the tower and its environment, to bring meaning to our hearts.”
Watch the video above and learn more about the project by visiting MAD Architects’ official website.