Check out This Futuristic Bridge That Can Transform and Relocate as Necessary Across the Sea
Just hope that it doesn’t move while you are crossing it.

Dr. Margot Krasojević has revealed her latest project, a “Revolving Sail Bridge” with the ability to relocate itself by sailing across water. Commissioned by the Ordos government in the Kanbashi District of Inner Mongolia, the bridge currently resides across the Wulamulum River and can transport itself by folding and unfolding its expanding hydraulic walkways and navigating its built in carbon fibre triple sail. In order to revolve the sails, the bridge controls a series of hydraulically-operated tanks that fill and empty with water, and rotate the sails accordingly whilst maintaining afloat. The sails are also attached to eight marine floatation air bags to stabilize the sails as they revolve, and is evenly weight-distributed to prevent capsizing.
In true Krasojević fashion, the bridge’s movements are sustained by photovoltaic cells, and solar panels provide energy for three electric motor generators. When the bridge is in use, the sail is lowered and operates as a canopy over a seated area for people to take in the scenic views and gardens.
After peeping the bridge above, take a look at how much it costs to buy a Frank Lloyd Wright designed island.