Google's DOTS Gumdrop-Shaped Android Emojis Have Been Redesigned
Mind blown.

Google has just announced that its Android devices and its unconventionally shaped emoji set will receive a redesign. The blob-like DOTS gumdrop-shaped emojis will finally get remade to look more appealing and life-like. According to the Mountain View-based tech giant, the main reason for the redesign was miscommunication with users — not knowing what some of the emojis meant, sending the wrong one, etc. “We’re doing a full redesign of the emoji set. We took a look at many things, but mostly the thing that’s most striking is, perhaps, that yes, the candy dots or blobs, are now substituted with a set of squishy circles — for a lot of good reasons,” said Android product manager Gus Fonts.
Fast Company reports that the full rollout will occur with Android O later this year and has been the culmination of over 18 months of internal work for Google. In other emoji related news, The Emoji Movie just released its trailer.