Best MMA Knockouts of 2016
Mollywhops on top of mollywhops.
2016 was a rollercoaster of a year for the Ultimate Fighting Championship and the world of MMA fighting, highlighted by meteoric rise of Conor McGregor and the brutal downfall of Ronda Rousey. Everything considered, the past year was filled with many more ups than downs, unless you want to include all of the fighters than hit the canvas in 2016. Then there were A LOT of downs. As a refresher, a kind Redditor compiled the best, or worst depending on how you see it, MMA knockouts from the past 12 months. In it you’ll see the two aforementioned entertainers, however the one knockout that deserves a few rewinds belongs to Lando Vannata and his perfectly-placed spinning roundhouse kick about a quarter of the way into the video.