Banksy's 'Bomb Hugger Graffiti Print Is Transformed Into a Figurine
The mysterious British artist’s iconic graffiti print comes alive.

Banksy‘s Bomb Hugger graffiti artwork was first released by Pictures on Walls in London in 2003 as a limited edition of prints. The image of a young girl hugging a military bomb is classically Banksy in its satirical commentary on violence and war and its dark humor. Today, we see the iconic stencil piece gets transformed by STUDIO PERFECT into a three-dimensional figurine that stands 320mm tall. The sculpture is pretty loyal to the original artwork, replicating the young girl’s ponytail and schoolgirl attire. For a retail price of ¥48,600 JPY (approximately $429 USD), you can pre-order the STUDIO PERFECT Bomb Hugger Figurine online here. In the meantime, you might also enjoy this Banksy x Medicom Toy “Monkey Sign” statue.