Ryan Lochte Apologizes for Robbery Saga on Instagram
Rio Mayor says “My only emotion towards them is pity and contempt.”

The story of the famed U.S. swimmer’s robbery at the Rio Summer Olympics began when Ryan Lochte’s mother reported it to American media sources last week. He later expanded on the events, and recounted being a victim of the situation via Twitter. As he and his three teammates publicized their stories, the Brazilian government found there were inconsistencies worth investigating. After looking into the below surveillance footage, it was discovered that none of the American athletes were robbed, but rather instigated the situation, as they were intoxicated and vandalized the petrol station where they claimed the events took place. Lochte apologized for the events on Instagram earlier today, to which the Mayor of Rio accepted and responded “I confess that my only emotion towards them is pity and contempt,” he said “…it’s a shame that they’re such weak characters, that they have such personality flaws and it’s up to the American Olympic Committee to sort it out.”