'Swiss Army Man' Is a Film Based on a Stranded Man's Friendship With a Corpse
With no shortage of farts from Daniel Radcliffe.
An all-new red band trailer has been released for the bizarre comedy-drama film, Swiss Army Man. The film follows Hank, played by Paul Dano, a young man who is contemplating suicide after being stranded on an island. Shortly after, he finds a corpse, played by Daniel Radcliffe, whom he starts a surreal friendship with. The corpse serves two functions for Hank, first as a friend and second as a sort of multi-purpose tool, which he begins improvising with for survival. The film’s edge comes with an unrestrained sense of humor that is nothing short of fart jokes and boner references. Check out the NSFW trailer above, and catch Swiss Army Man in theaters June 24, 2016.