The TriFan 600 Is a Private Jet Helicopter Hybrid
Imagine a jet, a helicopter and an airplane mashed into one.

XTI Aircraft Company has created the “TriFan 600,” a six-seater private plane made of carbon fiber and epoxy with two high performance turboshaft engines and three built-in deducted fans that act as propellers used for vertical liftoff and thrust. It has the design of a luxe private jet, the helicopter’s ability to lift off vertically and maneuver with flexibility, and the plane’s ability to travel long distances at great speeds, thus making it ideal for tourism and medical evacuations. The Denver-based company hopes to raise $50 million USD to bring that idea to realization; you can pitch to the equity crowdfunding project here. If successful, the TriFan 600 would be available to the public for $10 to $12 million USD a plane.