'Street Fighter V' Necalli Reveal Trailer
Capcom introduces a new character for its highly anticipated fighter.
In honor of the world’s biggest fighting game tournament, Capcom took to EVO 2015 over the weekend to introduce its first all-new character for Street Fighter V. Dubbed Necalli, the bruising brawler hails from a mysterious background and “utilizes a wild, animalistic fighting style to brutalize his opponents. There’s no finesse here as all of his attacks have been forged through the heat of battle to inflict maximum pain upon his opponents. However, beneath the surface of the crazed warrior lies a hidden genius that is unleashed upon V-Trigger activation.” Thanks to a wide variety of close range attacks and a command grab, Necalli looks to be the perfect option for players who prefer a straightforward hard-hitter.
The first online beta for Street Fighter V kicks off next week for PlayStation 4 owners and will run for five days starting July 23 at 6 p.m. PDT. Initially, players will have access to Ryu, Chun-Li, Nash and M. Bison while Cammy and Birdie will be added July 25. The full game is currently on track for a launch early next year.