Mighty Healthy "Bridges The Gap" With Bridge Runners Founder Mike Saes
The founder of New York’s preeminent alt-running crew explains his origins and inspiration.
At any given moment in the post-work rush of New York, you might notice a pack of runners sprinting through the streets. Some may write it off as just another city spectacle, but chances are it’s one of Bridge Runners’ daily outings. What makes Bridge Runners different from the running stereotype is definitely the culture; Mike Saes founded the crew after running five miles to his destination in lieu of a cab. Fitness is the baseline of the Bridge Runners’ M.O., but exploring the city in a new way, togetherness and camaraderie make up the rest. In the above video, New York’s own Mighty Healthy keeps pace with Saes as he explains his sentiments behind Bridge Runners, its goals and its future.