Watch Diddy Mimic Kanye West's Dance Moves
If you’re an active member of any popular social media platform, it’s very likely that you’ve seen

If you’re an active member of any popular social media platform, it’s very likely that you’ve seen the hashtag #KanyeDancing floating around. While we are certain that most of our readers have been aware of Kanye West‘s one-of-a-kind dance moves for years now, the moves he exhibited during Paris Fashion Week made it a trending topic recently. Bad Boy label head Diddy recently hopped on the viral phenomenon by mimicing Ye’s signature movements (although incorrectly tagging it as #KanyesDance). While it seems like Puff is mocking Kanye, he showed Yeezy a bit of love after the imitation, saying, “You gotta f*cking try, you gotta be courageous to dance.” Check the clip below.