Trailer Released for ‘Nicki Minaj: My Time AGAIN’ Documentary
Superstar rapper Nicki Minaj seems to be turning over a new leaf, stripping down her once
Superstar rapper Nicki Minaj seems to be turning over a new leaf, stripping down her once overzealous style to reveal her most bare and honest self. The first of these changes coming from her latest album The Pinkprint, which is said to be her most sincere work to date, and now, the upcoming MTV documentary Nicki Minaj: My Time AGAIN looks to delve even deeper into the complex artist. Nicki took to Twitter Thursday night to release a 1 minute trailer of the documentary, which debuts on Sunday January 18 at 10 p.m. EST. The work promises to be an extremely intimate look at the Minaj world. Check out the trailer above.