Anna Wintour's Clothing Allowance from Vogue Rumored to be $200,000 USD/Year
In a recent “By the Numbers” feature in The New York Times’ T Magazine, the publication broke down

In a recent “By the Numbers” feature in The New York Times‘ T Magazine, the publication broke down some unique figures surrounding Vogue. Many of the figures relate to the publication’s current editor in chief Anna Wintour, and amongst the various figures, one stands out: the $200,000 USD annual budget that is rumored to be given to her each year for clothing. It’s an astounding figure but given that she is at the helm of one of the most influential and important fashion publications around, it only makes sense that Wintour would need to make sure she has the budget to accommodate the most fashionable pieces each season. Check out the full piece here and let us know what you think of the rumored figure below.