Steve Aoki: Man on the Move
In the age of electronic music rising to popularity in public tastes, the genre’s original ushers

In the age of electronic music rising to popularity in public tastes, the genre’s original ushers now stand at a point of transition. Interestingly, the term ‘transition’ practically embodies one Steve Aoki – the mastermind behind not only rocking electro music of the early 2000s, but also the chief of Dim Mak Records and a bevy of current heaters. Needless to say, Aoki is a busy man, but found time to sit down with HYPETRAK for an interview in between sets in Beijing, Hong Kong, and the Philippines. The following conversation finds the veteran giving the skinny on his forthcoming Neon Future (hint: Flocka is involved), the new generation of electronic music, and how to multitask effectively. Enjoy key excerpts below and head over to HYPETRAK for the full interview.