Kanye West Asks James Franco and Seth Rogen to Perform "Bound 3" Parody At His Wedding
While Vogue is currently in the hot seat for their use Ricky Spicer’s sample in Kanye’s “Bound 2”

While Vogue is currently in the hot seat for their use Ricky Spicer‘s sample in Kanye‘s “Bound 2” track, Hollywood’s funny men James Franco and Seth Rogen are still receiving positive feedback for their parody equivalent, “Bound 3,” and the latest praise comes from Kanye West himself. While guest starring on The View, Franco details how he received a phone call from West that not only praises him and Seth on the video, but even asks them to perform the spoof on the night before his wedding.
Kim loved the video, and we didn’t hear back from Kanye, so we kind of felt like ‘he’s not bashing us, but he probably hates it but he’s not going to say anything.’ But then two weeks ago, we got a call from Kanye. Seth and I were on the phone. We thought he was just going to let us have it. But he loved it! And I’m pretty sure I can say it now because I’m pretty sure it’s not going to happen: he wanted us to perform it live the night before his wedding at Versailles.
Aside from sharing details on the couple’s response to “Bound 3,” it looks like Franco may have also revealed the secret location for Kim and Kanye’s wedding, which was previously unknown but is now – according to Franco – apparently set to occur in Versailles. As for if the performance will actually take place, Franco had this to say:
It would have been awesome for about 20 seconds, but then there would be Seth with his shirt off in front all the Kardashians.