Justin Bieber Loses Millions of Instagram Followers, Leaving the #1 Spot to Kim Kardashian
Following Instagram’s recent spam account purge, Justin Bieber lost 3.8 million spam accounts which

Following Instagram‘s recent spam account purge, Justin Bieber lost 3.8 million spam accounts which leaves Kim Kardashian as the most followed personal account on the social media network. The spam clearance is intended to clean and delete fake followers, which has resulted in many to have their follower count drop. It’s been expected that about 2-10 million accounts will be removed as a result of the process. Bieber’s following has so far dropped from 23.8 million on Thursday to 20 million on Friday, which puts the pop star in third place behind Kardashian (22.2 million) and Beyoncé (21.4 million). Additionally, singers Selena Gomez and Ariana Grande have seen their followings drop by 1.1 million and 1.6 million respectively. Rapper Ma$e, who had 1.6 million followers, saw a huge fall in his numbers by 1.5 million — a suspected follower purchase — and has since deleted his Instagram account.