THROUGH THE LENS: 10 People Around the World Define Street Culture to Them
To our readers in so-called traditional street culture markets, it has, over its many years of

To our readers in so-called traditional street culture markets, it has, over its many years of maturation, come to be defined by fairly clear-cut boundaries – we have our sneaker freaks, skaters, rappers, athletes and graffiti artists… our Supreme, Stussy, BAPE and much more. However, when one is situated at the center of things, there is a risk and a tendency to become absorbed in a self-referential cycle where the same definitions are reflected, distorted and refocused again through the same tired old mirrors and lenses. But what of the wealth of interpretations of street culture as found in the rest of the world and colored through the cultural lens of each respective country? How does a hip-hop dancer in Milan (a city of red-tiled roofs and soaring Gothic cathedrals and home to high fashion houses) interpret the latest Jordan release differently than a graffiti artist raised with a diet of Confucian values and K-pop?
To offer you a glimpse of the ever-changing currents of street culture that emanate from the headwaters of New York and Los Angeles yet assume a life of their own through the cultural terrain of each particular country, we have gathered a selection of images from 10 international contributors who tell us the stories of the many affected by the continuing phenomenon that is street culture.
Without further ado, enjoy the photos above in this first installment of a series casting an eye on global street culture, and stay tuned for more.