The Beatles - Because (D.V.S* Remix)
Once you decide to remix one of your favorite records, you better come off correct. This credo
Once you decide to remix one of your favorite records, you better come off correct. This credo certainly pertains if a producer intends to reinterpret a song from the massive The Beatles catalog. Guitarist D.V.S* does not shy away from that fact and mixes live instrumentation and bass music on the legendary Liverpool quartet’s 1969 recording “Because.” Here’s how he approached this timeless Abbey Road tune.
If you just add some 808’s, claps, and lasers, you’ll (hopefully) be burned at the stake. You really have to go for it, and attempt to make the song fresh again, knowing that the original is unbeatable in the first place.
As a guitarist, “Because” has always been a bullseye track for me. The chord progression is like dark chocolate, and the vocals are like a fine red wine, making it perfect inspiration for a melodic dubstep remix.
Listen below.