James Franco & Seth Rogen - Bound 3 (Kanye West Parody)
With the “Bound 2” video releasing last week, two of Hollywood’s funniest actors felt inspired by
With the “Bound 2” video releasing last week, two of Hollywood’s funniest actors felt inspired by what Kanye West and Kim Kardashian were able to create in front of the green screen, and today James Franco and Seth Rogen share their version video. Reenacting the original video “Shot.For.Shot,” we see Franco take on the role of double-shirt wearing Kanye West, and Rogen portraying the topless Kim Kardashian, as the two ride in peace. The two actors took time during the filming of their upcoming film, The Interview, and we couldn’t think of any better way to for them to have spent that free time. Jerome may have left the house for this one, but press play up above and enjoy.