HYPEBEAST Spaces: Complex Offices
Complex Media was founded in 2002 by Marc Ecko. Comprised of Complex.com — its flagship — and an

Complex Media was founded in 2002 by Marc Ecko. Comprised of Complex.com — its flagship — and an ever-expanding host of network sites, Complex Media commands considerable traffic for its lifestyle and fashion-based web content. Today, the multifaceted company is located in an ornate historical building at 40 W. 23rd St. in New York. The office itself is housed in a simple, white-washed space — despite the company’s name — and is devoid of needless embellishment save curlicued pillars that were part of the building’s original design. Spartan walls aside, the office contains all of the products, memorabilia, and grab bag of odds and ends expected of a media empire. Amidst the cubicles and work spaces — including the offices of the respective editors — magazines, records, art and toys are interspersed like museum pieces while posters of past magazine covers act as archives of Complex’s decade-old existence. Elsewhere, shelves are stocked with a head-spinning array of merchandise, presumably providing material for the magazine’s product-driven content. Click through for highlights from our tour of the Complex Offices, including the spaces of Noah Callahan-Bever, Joe La Puma, Russ Bengtson and Nick Schonberger.
Photography: HYPEBEAST