Tupac hologram cost at least $100K

As you are aware, a life-like hologram image of Tupac performed during Snoop and Dr.Dre’s Coachella set last night. The impact of the surprise set left a memorable impression upon attendees, leaving people to anticipate a new wave of image projection shows in the near future. Musion 3D, the UK-based digital company behind the technology made headlines when using it for Mariah Carey’s five simultaneous concerts across Europe last year. It is now being reported that it cost $10 million dollars to create the four-minute performance of the iconic rapper. Although labels and media companies are taking interest in this, due to the costs it may be a while before the technology becomes prevalent.
Tupac Shakur hologram curator Nick Smith of AV Concepts explained how it all went down with MTV today, below are two excerpts from the interview:
“We worked with Dr. Dre on this and it was Dre’s vision to bring this back to life,” said Nick Smith, president of AV Concepts, the San Diego company that created the hologram. “It was his idea from the very beginning and we worked with him and his camp to utilize the technology to make it come to life. You can take their likenesses and voice and … take people that haven’t done concerts before or perform music they haven’t sung and digitally recreate it.
“The Tupac hologram was several months in the planning and took nearly four months to create in a studio and though Smith was not able to reveal the exact price tag for the illusion, he said a comparable one could cost anywhere from $100,000 to more than $400,000 to pull off. “I can’t say how much that event cost, but I can say it’s affordable in the sense that if we had to bring entertainers around world and create concerts across the country, we could put [artists] in every venue in the country.”
Source: In Flex We Trust