Odd Future @ Sweat Shop NYC Interview
Hundreds of fans lined up outside of Reed Space in New York’s lower east side as a chaotic

Hundreds of fans lined up outside of Reed Space in New York’s lower east side as a chaotic atmosphere ensued within the store walls. Amidst fans asking for pictures and group members (most notably Jasper) playfully teasing hopeful customers, we were able to speak with members of Odd Future about the store, being in New York, as well as their new album, The Odd Future Tape Vol. 2, which released the same day. Included in our interview are Taco, Left Brain, Hodgy Beats, Syd tha Kid, Mike G, as well as a brief yet polite dismissal from Frank Ocean. Nearly every member of the collective was present, including the reemerging Earl Sweatshirt, who was social with fans but hesitant to provide answers to the press. However, Earl’s real coming out came later in the day when he gave the first live performance of his young career.
What’s your favorite part about being in New York?
The people are cool as fuck… and getting to see all my friends out here. I wish I had a girl out here.
Is it safe to say you have the best verse on OF Vol. 2?
Hell nah…
Who do you think has the best verse?
Damn, that’s a hard question. I think DOMO [on "Oldie"]. He killed that shit.
Which city has had the longest line for the shop?
I think Toronto but I haven’t been able to see the line here today cause every time I go outside people start yelling.
What’s your favorite item you guys sell at the shop?
The new Lucas Hoodie [that came out today for the new album]. Also that MellowHype CAMO tee is tight as fuck.
Mike G
What’s your favorite song on the album?
Damn…I think “Doms.”
Aside from OF, whom do you listen to the most?
What’s your secret to keeping your hair so well-maintained?
I don’t really know but I do it myself. I don’t even think it’s well-maintained haha.
Hodgy Beats
You have the most verses of anyone on the new album. Could you choose a favorite?
Shit, that’s a hard one. That’s a really good question. I think [my verse on] “p.”
Did you have the most verses just cause you were in the studio the most?
Man… I’m always in the studio.
What’s the most important thing you’ve learned about music in the last 5 years?
Just to go with the flow.
What’s your favorite item here at the shop?
That GOLF WANG cat cheetah print tee shirt.
What would you say to girls in the crowd before the MellowHype song “50” comes on tonight?
Act as if you have a dick. Punch niggas in the head.
Left Brain
What’s the best part about being in New York?
Just like hanging out and skatin’ around.
What vibe do you get from New York that you don’t get in LA?
The different weather.
Of the beats you produced on the new album, which one were you most excited about?
Um… I think I have to go with “Bitches.”
Syd Tha Kid
What’s your favorite part about being in NYC?
I slept most of the time I was here this time around. I was just in New York like a month ago so I just chilled this trip. But I love seeing all my friends [from New York].
What’s your favorite song off the new album?
I think “Lean”… or “Oldie.”
Who has the best verse on Oldie?
I honestly don’t know.
Yes. Definitely Jasper haha.
Frank Ocean
Hey Frank, can I ask a couple of questions for HYPEBEAST?
Nope. I’m not answering questions today. But I check it [HYPEBEAST] every day. I love y’all!
Photography: Mike Knapp