Reebok Classics Presents: RZA
Reebok Classics and Rock the Bells brings you the exclusive Classic Albums by Classic Artists
Reebok Classics and Rock the Bells brings you the exclusive Classic Albums by Classic Artists featuring RZA of the famous Wu-Tang Clan. “I try to make albums like movies, man.” Catching up with RZA behind the scenes at Rock the Bells, it was clear that he sees everything through the prism of a movie screen, including Wu-Tang’s 1993 classic album Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers). When asked how it all came together, he compared the platinum album’s genre-busting style and MC collaboration to John Woo’s 1989 cult classic Hong Kong action film The Killer, just don’t ask us what it means. RZA’s lyrical genius is as prolific and out-there as ever, so grab yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and take a trip to Shaolin.