The “last emperor” is no longer at the helm of his fashion house and, despite the rich
Ever since her viral “Gucci Gucci” attack took over the digital sphere, Kreayshawn has been
To describe James Jean would be difficult. The visual artist has had the distinguished role of creating art through numerous fabrics of culture. Following his graduation from New York City’s School of Visual Art, Jean wasted no time in making his mark through the world of comics. Holding down a role at DC Comics was a springboard to being the visual lead behind Bill Willingham’s well-received Fables series. Throughout his comic book career, Jean has been on the receiving end of countless Eisner Awards, celebrating the very best in the comic book industry.
Always avant-garde, always Japanese and always toying with fabric, draping and volume, Yohji
Shawn Stussy, former brainchild behind the clothing brand bearing his namesake, looks to pursue