Scholastic Survey with jeffstaple: Simon Collins
For the second episode of Scholastic Survey, jeffstaple sits down with Simon Collins who is Dean of
For the second episode of Scholastic Survey, jeffstaple sits down with Simon Collins who is Dean of the School of Fashion of Parson’s The New School for Design. Deepening the conversation surrounding the education sector, the two discuss the importance of the education sector within the fashion industry and the strides that Collins and Parson’s The New School for Design have taken to make a formal education in art and fashion design more accessible. Citing the school’s impressive resume of alumni, Collins addresses the legitimacy and training that Parson’s provides its students as well as addressing the ongoing disparity he sees between governmental agendas and the need for education reform.
Education is undoubtedly a foundation of any culture and society. The very success of society hinges on a proper reinforcement that engages the people in acquiring and disseminating knowledge. Sharing a common interest in the continued focus on bringing education and learning to the forefront, HBTV and jeffstaple of Staple Design are partnering to create a new series titled Scholastic Survey which consists of online episodes exploring the importance and necessity of placing our best interests in education. In a time and place where education has been relegated to the back burner amidst budgetary cuts and misdirected spending in the United States, now more than ever is a time to look into the unrepairable damage that comes with an uneducated society.