GQ: The Survivors
Long-lasting careers in the music industry are often foiled by drug addictions, prison terms,
Long-lasting careers in the music industry are often foiled by drug addictions, prison terms, women, group conflict, corporate greed and various other adversities. Although the evil temptations stemming from money and fame can lead to an abrupt musical demise, a special group only grow stronger and continue on the path of a historical career. The latest issue of GQ will feature profiles on various musicians that are recognized as “Survivors” of the industry’s stresses. The above video showcases footage from each artist’s photoshoot, including iconic names like Keith Richards, Eminem, OutKast, Iggy Pop and Metallica, just to name a few. The November issue will have a total of 46 profiles, with a few popping up on over the course of the coming weeks. GQ: The Survivors will be available in the November issue at your local newsstand.
Read the Eminem interview here.