Anthony Lister "Fierce" Exhibition & Interview
Anthony Lister recently wrapped up a one night showing of his “Fierce” exhibition in Los
Anthony Lister recently wrapped up a one night showing of his “Fierce” exhibition in Los Angeles, which followed a larger showcase in Art Basel Miami in late 2010. Offered below are some shots from the “Fierce” show, which featured works from Lister’s Art Basel and Sanrio Gift Shop contributions, as well as a short interview with Lister conducted by Roger Gastman.
What was your mindset when creating this body of work?
To be subtle yet strong. I had a small sketchbook that I had drawn out in Sydney of my friends sitting at bars and doing graffiti etc. I used those drawings to structure these paintings. It all started with a few lines and a good feeling.
This work doesn’t cover your usual topic of superhero’s as much as past shows – why did you go to more core images of women and graffiti?
That’s just what was around at the time.
What is something that you would like people to know about you?
My grandmother was an artist. She died yesterday. Her name was Josephine Lister and she did a great painting of Will Smith.
You recently did A LOT of work in Miami for Art Basel – tell us about your experience there.
It was kind of like the time of my life. I wasn’t there long but I had a great time. There wasn’t a moment I wasn’t party-arting unless I was painting but even then it felt like a party with every wall being like candy to the eyes of stealth artists shaking off their cool and thug to just make fucking awesome skill shit. ESPO told me to wear my “son block” so I did, it was hot.
What are a few good Australian jokes us Americans wont get?
What does a New Zealand with one short leg say? – Not even bro.
It’s in the accent, you wont get it.
If you were an ACDC song what song would you be and why?
Kill em All.
What was your childhood pet?
When I was 10, I had a turtle I found at the creek, but my brothers pet rat’s babies ate it one day while I was at school. I never went to school again.