éS Presents: "To Europe With Love-tour"
The éS team toured through Europe earlier this year from the 30th of May till the 12th of
The éS team toured through Europe earlier this year from the 30th of May till the 12th of June, they visited the UK, France and Spain. In the first part of the éS To Europe With Love-tour edit you will see the team ripping around in the UK and visiting various cities. In the second part of the éS To Europe With Love-tour edit we see the team touring around in the Bordeaux, France and Bilbao, Spain. The tour has been covered in two video offerings posted here.
Footage includes top skaters like: Mike Anderson, Justin Eldridge, Kellen James, Josh Matthews, Rick McCrank, Jimmy McDonald, Ben Raemers, John Rattray, Kevin Terpening, Bobby Worrest, Mark Frolich, Nicky Howells, Ricardo Paterno, Gauthier Rouger, Javier Sarmiento, John Tanner and Christian Vannella.