If your wee one is getting beat up at school, turn the tables and bestow upon him a CLS Bear Down Parka. Actually, it may be more along the lines of 50-50 whether he comes back twice as bruised or with a new found playground respect. Well you can’t lose with goose down at least. Available now at hnyee.Store in three different colors.
Japanese designer Nao teamed up with offline/online associates Colette/Sold Out and LAMJC to produce a special collector’s edition Clear Box. The 100% plexiglass clear box will instantly become a conversation piece when you display all your awesome SBs in there on your coffee table, actually on your floor cause you spent all your money on those dope SBs and this box. Available now Sold Out.
A few weeks ago, Starter jackets started dropping on the doorsteps of various people in the industry. For a time there, it was a steady flow of jackets. After the well dried up and no HYPEBEAST x Starter Jacket arrived, I tore the office apart in a fit of rage and cried myself to sleep for consecutive nights on this indirect dis. However that all changed when low and behold our own Starter jacket showed up. I spent that night fornicating to the soft silky feel of the jacket. Awaking from their slumber, Starter is set to kick things off with a bang next year. Thanks to Starter for the jacket.
For FAM’s inaugural collection release, they hooked up with three artists for their Music Inspired Artist Series. Jeff Hamada, Stephen Holding and MC Yan all contributed their designs based on the music that inspires them from day to day. A full fledged feature with individual artist interviews and lookbook can be seen here.
For the Christmas season, CLOT sent out a series of special friends & family t-shirts. Two colorways were created, black with red highlights and white with green highlights. Branding comes from a small chest logo. Unfortunately all the CLOT fan boys might be left in the dark with this friends & family.