Another collaboration project from New Era, it isAtmos NYC this time! They have the logo ‘A’ at the front, New Era’s logo at the side and ‘Atmos’ at the back. Available in beige and red. You will see them in Atmos-NYC in December.
Nort and Recon closed their spots in NYC and opened up a new place together at 359 Lafayette Street. There are some pictures of the opening at Recon’s website. Click here to see the pictures.
Check this high technology jacket out from Burton and together with Motorola.
“Audex™ interfaces with your iPod…it has a built in bluetooth device which, in connection with your cell phone, turns this jacket into a wearable communications-tool.”
Isn’t it the coolest jacket so far? For more info, click here.
Once again, Being Hunted brings us some cool things, preview of the new Nike location in Berlin Germany.
“On December 1st, Nike will open its new location in Berlin/Germany, the arena for Joga Bonito, the celebration of the Brazilian style of playing football. It sees the launch of the Joga Bonito bookzine, the new Court Force “Motion Capture”, the premiere of “Ginga” the movie, and our own Beinghunted Featured Presentation with a closer look at the people and inspirations behind this project.”
Continue here.
We have seen some pictures of the jacket that match the Stussy Court Force before. They actually dropped recently and available at Stussy Direct.
Click image to enlarge!