New Roy Wood$, Jazz Cartier & PARTYNEXTDOOR on Latest OVO Sound Radio
Hear Wood$’s album ‘Waking at Dawn’ in its entirety.

For the 24th episode of OVO Sound Radio, Oliver El-Khatib presents Roy Wood$’s album Waking at Dawn in its entirety. Released on July 1, the highly anticipated 10-track debut is the latest project to come out of the OVO camp. Toronto native Jazz Cartier pays heavy homage to Weezy with the anthem “Lil Wayne,” produced by Marauding In Paradise collaborator Lantz. The Weezy fanfare continues as Lil Wayne himself appears on the latest Beats 1 instalment, lending his frenzied vocals to the collaborative record “Like Dat” by PARTNEXTDOOR & Jeremih. Check out the latest show courtesy of Apple Music here.