Yatzer: Dieter Rams Home Visit
Through the world of industrial design, the impact of seminal minimalist designer Dieter Rams
Through the world of industrial design, the impact of seminal minimalist designer Dieter Rams needs little introduction. While a little bit of Rams has infiltrated into our daily lives and homes in more ways than one, Yatzer offers a captivating look into Rams’ own home. Located outside of Frankfurt, Rams’ self-designed home is a further extension of his ideals and his ubiquitous principles to good design. The influence of Japanese culture also finds itself running through aspects of the home’s design. Through Rams’ own extensive catalog of design, it comes without question that it would be impossible to fit everything under one roof. And having said that, his home visit is in many ways the absolute best of the best in Rams’ own design.
Photography: Philip Sinden