Vandalog: The Death of Banksy
At the onset, Banksy’s political commentary in street art form started from the efforts of one
At the onset, Banksy’s political commentary in street art form started from the efforts of one solo figure. His art movement has since garnered mass appeal and attention as he slowly seeps his way into mainstream popular culture. The man who represents Banksy will undoubtedly meet his demise some time down the line in the most literal sense, however in an editorial by Vandalog, they argue that we could see the work of Banksy continue onwards for generations. This is based on various arguments including how the authenticity of his work, a team commissioned to do his work and the simplicity of his work all ensure his ongoing legacy. Arguably, Bansky’s drawing power is less about his artwork and more about his social commentary. Perhaps his particular stenciled style interjected with societal opinion done by others will come to represent him in future generations.
I’m inclined to think that Banksy, the man, is a hard working guy who does involve himself in the making of the artwork that he signs. But given all the possibilities for others to be involved in the Banksy brand without the public knowing a thing, it is clear that the Banksy brand can continue to create artwork indefinitely with or without the original man behind the name. Like the many boys who took on the role Batman’s sidekick Robin (oh, haha okay I came up with this metaphor days ago and only now as I write it down do I realize the irony given Banksy’s supposed identity. I’m an idiot), an anonymous artist’s name and image can be taken up by any number of people. If the man behind Banksy ever leaves the Banksy organization, or when he dies, will the public ever know? It’s possible that my grandchildren will be able to see “original” Banksy artwork completed a century from now. Banksy seems to have reached the absurd hyperbole of conceptual art: the original artist may not even need to conceive the artwork for it to bear his name. Banksy has finally achieved what Warhol and others set out to: the artist is truly a brand without a human identity.
This isn’t to say that Banksy’s death is impossible. It may happen one day. It seems only right that Banksy the brand dies with Banksy the man and it may very well end there, but it would definitely be possible for his team to continue the brand without the man. Then, the questions become would we notice, would we care and how would Banksy the brand change itself from the original intent of Banksy the man?
Source: PSFK
The likes of Basquiat and Haring have had their legacy carried on, but for a (at the time of posting) faceless personality be able to continue on in the afterlife? Let us know your thoughts below.