The New York East River Is Potentially Getting a Floating Swimming Pool

The New York East River Is Potentially Getting a Floating Swimming Pool

To filter more than 600,000 gallons of river water per day.

+ Pool's Floating Light Installation Changes Color Based on East River's Water Quality

+ Pool's Floating Light Installation Changes Color Based on East River's Water Quality

Attached sensors test pH and oxygen levels.

Compare Drake's Pool With Kanye West's

Compare Drake's Pool With Kanye West's

“They don’t want us to have a bigger pool than Kanye.”


SOPHNET., F.C.R.B. and uniform experiment Unveil New Year's Releases with TUMI, New Era and POOL

SOPHNET., F.C.R.B. and uniform experiment Unveil New Year's Releases with TUMI, New Era and POOL

To ring in the new year, Japanese institution SOPHNET. and its associated labels of F.C.R.B. and


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